Ich habe mich zuerst in Amerika als Coachin selbständig gemacht, d.h. alle meine Musings (Block-Einträge) sind in Englisch.
Ich schreibe vieles immer noch bevorzugt in Englisch. Irgendwann, werde ich diese Texte auch mal auf Deutsch übersetzten, bis dahin bitte einfach das Übersetzungstool des Browsers benutzen. Danke.
Lost or lonely while working from home?
How do you boost yourself up when you feel a bit lost, alone or not overly confident in your home office? What do you do when turning around to talk to your colleague is not an immediate option?
I have a few ideas, that can boost your mood and confidence.
Women@Work: What you need to know about working from home
The switch to working remotely has widened the inequality gap. If you were misunderstood, ignored, or alienated during an in-person meeting, the situation isn’t getting any better over Zoom.
What do you need to take into consideration when deciding how you work going forward?
Optimize your virtual work performance
If you made the shift to working remotely, you’ve become accustomed to the technical limitations of virtual meetings.
But did you know those limitations are impacting your cognitive ability, physical mobility, and self-confidence?
Key takeaways from a Stanford study about Zoom fatigue.
Congrats, You are hired! - And now?
Leaving your job and starting a new one in your remote office at home can be daring.
In this post I explore how to make the best of it and what to look out for when you need to quit and start remotely.