Ich habe mich zuerst in Amerika als Coachin selbständig gemacht, d.h. alle meine Musings (Block-Einträge) sind in Englisch.
Ich schreibe vieles immer noch bevorzugt in Englisch. Irgendwann, werde ich diese Texte auch mal auf Deutsch übersetzten, bis dahin bitte einfach das Übersetzungstool des Browsers benutzen. Danke.
New in Bremen
When moving around the world puts you in a tight spot of grief and enthusiasm at the same time.
There are many ways to cope with change and all the emotions involved, here are some of mine.
In this article I look back on the last 1.5 years since moving back to Germany, and my new hometown Bremen.
Breakthroughs in Coaching
When our brains are hijacked by fight, flight, or freeze, it's hard enough to take a deep breath, let alone find a clear path forward.
If your higher-level functioning has decided to call it quits, turn to your body. Unfortunately, if you tend to take a “mind over matter” approach to difficult situations and ignore tension, discomfort, and pain, you will eventually end up burned out, depressed and anxious.
There is no Quick-Fix for lasting change
There were moments during my burnout when I desperately wanted to fast-forward over the hard parts and get straight to feeling better. That’s just not how real change works.
Some requests about my workshop, The Wisdom of Saying No ask to leave out the “wisdom part” and jump to the practical tools. NO! And here is why.
How coaching makes you a more confident leader
If you’ve been struggling to communicate, delegate, inspire or set boundaries, there’s an excellent reason for it.
And it has nothing to do with your skills, experience, or talents and everything to do with how you perceive yourself, and the story you created about your life and capabilities.
The good news is that you can unlearn all your limiting beliefs, uncover your blind spots, and connect easier with others.
Lost or lonely while working from home?
How do you boost yourself up when you feel a bit lost, alone or not overly confident in your home office? What do you do when turning around to talk to your colleague is not an immediate option?
I have a few ideas, that can boost your mood and confidence.
Women@Work: What you need to know about working from home
The switch to working remotely has widened the inequality gap. If you were misunderstood, ignored, or alienated during an in-person meeting, the situation isn’t getting any better over Zoom.
What do you need to take into consideration when deciding how you work going forward?
Optimize your virtual work performance
If you made the shift to working remotely, you’ve become accustomed to the technical limitations of virtual meetings.
But did you know those limitations are impacting your cognitive ability, physical mobility, and self-confidence?
Key takeaways from a Stanford study about Zoom fatigue.
Creativity is key to Next-Level Leadership
Creativity? No! Your job is about effective communication, delegation, and producing results. Three is nothing creative about it.
I hear sentiments like this from clients often. They seek me out to become more effective leaders and I tell them creativity is now the third most important job skill.
The Power of renegotiation when circumstances shift
Picture this, you're humming along on a project that you thought you had well in hand. Everything is going smoothly, and then suddenly, the deliverables change or the deadline moves, or you lose a team member.
Now, you’ve got more work than you can handle, you’re tense, and your stomach is in knots. What do you do?
Career: Should I stay or should i go?
Many of my clients deal with that exact question when they seek me out.
By the time you’re considering a move, the balance has already begun to shift from staying to going. How to do this without burning bridges?
Congrats, You are hired! - And now?
Leaving your job and starting a new one in your remote office at home can be daring.
In this post I explore how to make the best of it and what to look out for when you need to quit and start remotely.
Shift your mindset for a great interview
Women often downplay their qualifications and take themselves out of contention before they even enter the race. And when they do get an interview, they overfocus on facts and figures and forget about their values and experience.
How to change your way of thinking so that every interview experience is a win.
Interviews are a 2-way-street
I want to talk about one of the most common ways perfectly capable people sabotage their chances at a new job. During my time at Google, I interviewed hundreds of candidates.
And there is a single most crucial aspect to any great interview.
Do you even want that promotion?
Promotions are the big flashing neon sign that tells everyone around you how well things are going career-wise. Why wouldn’t you want one, right?
But here’s the thing: if the new position doesn’t make you happy, the new status doesn’t matter.
Say Yes to Your wildest dreams
During a talk at Google, an attendee asked me: "What do I do with all of the time I get back after I learn to say no to what is no longer serving me?”
I thought that everybody walks around with a long list of dreams and aspirations stashed in their back pockets. Turns out, it isn't true.
Say No and Let Go
Take stock, evaluate where you're putting your energy, and practice saying no to the relationships and obligations that no longer serve you.
I explore why some have such a hard time with this little two-letter word and offer tips to set boundaries.